when i was sitting in the songtiao, i remember myself asking God, "God, are you playing with us?" because the rain kept going on & off. we had to travel to a few places to find a suitable place so that Benjamin could share. we finally settled for a large field.
after speaking his first sentence, it started to rain and the kids all ran back into the song tiao. looking back, it was indeed quite a comical scene! well, it may have been deemed a failure in the eyes of men, but God definitely had better plans for us.
Because of the wet weather, the supposedly campfire was held at the RADION shophouse instead. Benjamin & Phyllis shared their testimonies and we put up a simple skit about how sin weighs us down. the only way to be free is through Christ.
Eugene asked those who had past hurts in their life to step out so that we could pray for them. i don't really know what happened in the midst of it, how it even all started, but i remember seeing something which i have never ever seen in my whole 18 years- children crying and weeping so hard.
As we prayed for the kids, a few girls huddled together at a corner. they were sobbing and crying so much, that even though i did not know what they have been through, i felt as though i could feel what they're going through as well. my heart broke into pieces.
then i saw Kut, the only boy whom was under me during the children's outing. He looked quite dazed, he seemed not to know what was going on.i didn't know if he had understood God's love i just felt compelled to hug him and i told him, "Prajau rak kun (God loves you)". He started to cry.
this went on for quite some time. it made me realise one thing: no one is ever too young to understand God's love. :)
thank you Lord for the little ones.. i've learnt so much more from them than they could ever learn from me. :)
(Phyllis, Vera & Kenson with some of the girls)